Most frequent questions and answers.

For assistance please call Tara Chaffins, Title I Secretary at 304-436-8441 Ext 2104.

First, an annual training will be completed and a certificate issued upon doing so. A volunteer request form must be signed by the principal at your school. Your fingerprints will be scanned every three years, in which our Superintendent can request new prints of any volunteer at any time. MCS will have to approve all volunteers. The Board Office will call to welcome you to the team! You should then contact the school principal to schedule a meeting to discuss the needs of the school. Keep in mind,  the Principal or Superintendent can revoke your volunteer privileges at any time.

You will go to the the Commission on Aging. We set this up for each of the parents (every three years) for fingerprints. Once you complete the course, you will need to call 304-436-8441 Ext 250 Office of Title I to check to see if you need fingerprints and if it is your year. We will set you up an appointment. 

  • Please make sure to dress appropriately for working with children under our established dress code. No headwear, low cut blouses, or short shorts. Clothing cannot display profanity, violence, obscenity, or symbols of hate. Clothing also cannot promote alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gang colors or gang-related signs.
  • Do not wander the halls or loiter on campus once your assigned task is completed.
  • Help us keep the office parent friendly and professional at all times. Please refrain from congregating in the office.
  • Only go to the areas of the school that involve your volunteer work.
  • Please exit the building when you’re finished with your assignment. All volunteers must leave the building at the end of your tasks at hand.
  • You must participate in any drill that is executed at the school while you are volunteering.
  • Be aware of all exits in your school.
  • For your safety please make sure and do the following: Review your school’s Crisis Procedure Guide to know what to do in an emergency event such as a fire, tornado, earthquake, lock-down etc.. See your administrator for this information.
  • All volunteers should be pre-scheduled with the principal. Please refrain from just “dropping-in” to offer help.
  • Please respect the teachers’ schedules and the learning that is taking place at our sites. Each teacher has a conference and planning period for this purpose. Schedule an appointment to meet with them if needed.
  • If you are volunteering for a room part, please come at the time designated by the teacher. Do not bring other children to the event

Failure to comply with the confidentiality requirements could result in the loss of volunteer privileges in our school system.

  • MCS must protect all personal identifiable date, information, and records collected, used or maintained by MCS. Confidentiality requirements also apply to discussions about a student and the student’s records.
  • This includes, but is not limited to, student behavior, conversations heard amongst staff, concerns with teachers and staff, incidents with students, health and medical issues, and parent information.
  • You must protect the teachers’ and students’ right to privacy. You may not disclose school information or personal matters which you may have overheard. Discuss student problems or concerns only with the teacher or administrator with whom you are working with, or the administration.
  • It is extremely important that you do not talk with other parents or community members about other children in the classroom or school observed while you were volunteering.
  • Please respect student and parental rights. If anything happens in the classroom or school, it is the teachers’ responsibility to contact the parents. Concerns about teachers should be brought directly to school administration.
  • Do not discuss our students with anyone other than the child’s teacher or administrator. Maintain the student’s confidence, but report signs of neglect or abuse to MCS or your school’s administrator immediately. We are mandated reporters. You may choose to also contact the Department of Health and Human Resources as a community representative
  • If any student discloses an issue to you while you’re volunteering that might imply any type of abuse or neglect, it is your duty and responsibility to report this to the principal immediately. Do not give advice or ask the student questions.
  • Make sure to share any medical conditions you have with the school principal in the event that you may require medical attention while volunteering.
  • Be sure to use adult restrooms when volunteering at the school.
  • Although the job is voluntary, the commitment is professional. You’re required to maintain an attitude of mutual respect and confidence, and also to become familiar with the school and classroom policies and practices.
  • Do not impose your religious or political views on students or staff.
  • Never discipline a child. The supervising teacher will handle all discipline situations.
  • Never administer medications or first-aid to students. The supervising professional will administer first-aid to the child in the event of an emergency while you assist with other students. On that note, if you are an emergency or medical care provider, please notify the school administrator or supervising personnel.
  • Under no circumstances can alcohol, tobacco, or firearms be brought into any school site. If you have a firearm permit, the firearm must be locked in your vehicle in a locked container. Also, leave your personal medications locked in your vehicle at all times.
  • Do not bring in any bag or purse with you when you volunteer. Leave all personal items in your locked car including your phone, and never use tobacco on school property.
  • For assistance, please call Tara Chaffins, Title I Secretary at 304-436-8441 Ext 2104.

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